JOIN THE CHAMBER EMAIL SIGN UP BUSINESS DIRECTORY FITNESS/TRAINING CENTERS go Results Found: 5 Button group with nested dropdown The Open Space Martial Arts, LLC The Open Space Martial Arts, LLC 1312 S. Main St. North Canton OH 44720 (234) 425-7966 Break The Wheel Fitness Break The Wheel Fitness 3710 Heatherwood Cr. NW North Canton OH 44720 (310) 340-5016 Zenergy Pilates & Wellness, LLC Zenergy Pilates & Wellness, LLC 4216 Hills and Dales Rd, NW North Canton OH 44708 (330) 826-1772 CycleBar Jackson Township CycleBar Jackson Township 7184 Fulton Dr NW Canton OH 44718 (330) 598-0009 B Lynch Jazzercise B Lynch Jazzercise 4900 Middlebranch Ave. NE Canton OH 44705 (740) 433-5707